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Our New Sprout Collection is Hair!

Our New Sprout Collection is Hair!

Ready or Knot...Hair We come! Our New Sprout Collection is Hair!

This collection is formulated to promote cell regeneration, shield against damage, nourish the hair follicles & improve hair elasticity! It's All about the Healthy Hair Growth, Baby!!!!!

Included in this collection are the:

 Sprout-tastic Deep Conditioner

 Sprout Rice Vitamin Butta Shampoo

 Knot Sauce, Sprout & Comb Out Detangler


Sprout Follicular Rice Tonic

Available NOW & EXCLUSIVELY in Select Walmart Stores


If it's not on the shelves in your area yet, Be sure to ASK YOUR STORE MANAGER to check from the stock in the back!

Previous article Soultanicals New Collection is Exclusively Available at select Walmart Stores Nationwide!
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Nonie snell - February 3, 2025

Please put your products in my local Walmart in Fairfield CA . I see a lot of hair products , but y’all’s is top tier ingredients we need . Thank you and God bless .

Nikki - February 5, 2021

If I don’t have/use credit cards how can I purchase via Money order?
Thank you! I am so looking forward to trying your products!
I am looking for SlipNSlide which doesnt seem to be a big seller in brick/mortar stores Only online. :-(

Tangi - January 30, 2021

I live near Portland OR and it’s not in any stores near me, neither Oregon nor Washington state. So I decided to check LA in Cali because really, if it’s not in LA it’s not anywhere on the West Coast. Sure enough it’s not even available in LA zip codes! What in the world!!! Who makes these decisions? Who honestly decides to leave out half of the country during a national product release?!

Rashida - January 27, 2021

I hope this goes well… Wal-Mart is a PAIN! I hunted down another Wal-Mart exclusive collection for months before I could get it!!!

Jen - January 26, 2021

I LOVE THE RICE BUTTA SHAMPOO. Super excited to try this collection, but I do not have a Walmart close by. Is this going to available online?

Yolanda - January 25, 2021

If you can’t find it at your local Walmart try widening your search to the next big city near you. I found it and called my cousin to do a pick up for me.

Alexis Stodgel - January 25, 2021

I’m sure this won’t be at my local Podunk Wal-Mart.
Will this ever be available on your site? I like to support you directly! I’ve had issues purchasing your products from other stores.

Tangi - January 25, 2021

How can I get this in my local walmarts in the Portland, Oregon metro area?

Tiff - January 25, 2021

I can’t wait to pick up the Sprout Knot Sauce. I’m sensitive to coconut oil but I use all of soultanicals coconut free products and I use the the frizz whiz leave in, moisture milk, buttas, and oils to give my hair hydration. With all of the great coconut free options Soultanicals offers, I couldn’t help feeling like I was missing out on Knot Sauce, with all of it rave reviews, due to the coconut oil in it. Imagine my surprise to see that it’s not in this edition of Knot Sauce! Won’t he do it?! Lol! Thank you Ayo/Soultanicals! Can’t wait to add this to the stash!

C FOSTER - January 25, 2021

Highly doubt my Walmart will carry this. What a bummer.

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