Don't Miss Out! Last Liter Sale Ever! :(
Greetings SoulFam!!!! We have some news to share! After evaluating fiscal and expansion goals for 2019, we are sad to announce that this will be our last Liter Sale- period! As a small business making amends to maintain a seamless customer service experience, cut down on inventory/shipping costs and losses, decrease our overall manufacturing time, we had to make some changes. While more changes are still ongoing and will be in effect soon, our Salon Sizes are next on the chop block. 32 ounce bottles of our premium natural hair products are expensive to produce at such a fraction of the cost, more prone to shipment damage and overall timely to produce. And because we promised that there will be a Liter Sale at the end of the year, we will oblige but with only 4-5 options. Please let us know below what is a solid MUST HAVE in Liter Size! Hopefully yours will make the list!
*We may consider 16 oz sizes as an option next year!
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