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What should we include in our Travel Hair Care Kits?

What should we include in our Travel Hair Care Kits?

May is Hair!!!! The Countdown to Summer Travel has officially begun! And to assist your summer travel hair care needs, our Napp’etizers are coming back!!!! What would you like to have in travel size? Let us know!

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Ariel - May 9, 2021

Thank you!! Super excited!!! Would love if you did seasonal ones too so I could purchase accordingly to season with my favorites also!!!:)))))

Ariel - May 9, 2021

Pleaseeeeeeeeeeee a fall travel kit to include knot pumpkin would be awesome!
-chebe ginger dc
-knot sauce
-mango dip
-Shea butta shampoo
-marula or knot butta
-an oil :)
-and some sort of pre-poo would be awesome!!!

Mari Roberson-clark - May 9, 2021

I wish you had samples sizes for all your hair products. It great to find out what products will work with with your hair before you go and spend a lot of money on the different products in the regular size that may not work and then you have to toss it because you don’t have anyone to give it to

Melissa - May 9, 2021

It’s would be nice to have a travel sample pack for hair type

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