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Pre-orders for our Next Liter Series starts 8/3/18!

Pre-orders for our Next Liter Series starts 8/3/18!

Greetings Beautiful Souls! You've asked, we've answered! The Next Liter Series starts in a few days and will feature Salon Sized Stylers/Refreshers!
Which of our products would you like to see in Liter Size?



Curly Gurly - August 1, 2018

I would love to see these products in salon sizes:
Dash the Ash

Pumpkin Hair Detox

Healthy Hair Growth Oil

Sprout Rice Tonic

Master Hair Cleanse

Sprung Gelly

Curl Blaze

Loc-N-Roll Twist and Fro Out

Clump & Curl

Plait’num Roots Hair Oil

Hibiscus Hair Healer

Some Sort of Clarifier

A.C.V. Poo

Thermal Protectant to apply prior to blow drying, etc.


A moisturizer and/or leave in that is protein free and coconut oil free

Thank you :)

Julissa - August 1, 2018

Frozen gel and fro despair and aqua mane and friz whiz

KimmyG - August 1, 2018

Afrotastic and Marula Muru

Angela - August 1, 2018

Rice Tonic and scalp scrub.

Love - August 1, 2018

Aqua mane moisture potion ❤️

Tangi - August 1, 2018

Curly Grail Pumpkkn Coconut Styling Cocktail

Wanita - August 1, 2018

I would love to get frozen dip in the salon size

Madison - August 1, 2018

I would love the knot Butta and Custard in a salon size!

Madison - August 1, 2018

I would love the knot Butta and Custard in a salon size!

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