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Hey SoulFam! We’ve been getting quite a few messages/issues regarding using our Sprayer tops! These are trigger sprayers which means liquid gets disbursed in wide range. While its invention is brilliant, it can be quite cumbersome to use with ingredients other than water. Here are some tips on navigating this tricky bottle! Hope this helps! If you’d prefer the simple sprayer tops, chime in your thoughts below! Thanks!




Amber - July 19, 2020

The nozzle is horrible. Please fix. Thanks.

Christinna - June 22, 2020

I love this product so much I really do! HOWEVER, the trigger issue is absolutely ridiculous. I promise you, it is NOT the hibiscus. The nozzles are just crappy. The last order I made with you guys, I purchased 3 bottles of this product. The trigger did not work on all 3 right out of the box! As a result, I had to purchase my own spray bottle that I refill with Kink Drink. This bottle has not failed me yet! PLEASE find another nozzle, it’s really annoying.

Yvette - June 21, 2020

I love thIs product. Please find a way to resolve the spray bottle nozzle. I was so excited when I bought a bottle with a new sprayer. It didn’t not work. I tried to exchange the bottle for one which work but the bottle in the store didn’t work as well. Very disappointed! I shouldn’t have to purchase a spray bottle to use the product.

LIz - June 6, 2020

I have broke All nozzles that’s came with this spray AND all my own noZZLES I BOught at the store. Can I get some replacements

Samantha - May 13, 2020

Spray bottle nozzle broken, tried everything to fix. Took it apart, cleaned all parts, warm water, water & vinegar and none worked. Dissatisfied that I will need to purchase my own bottle in order to use

Akaila Johnson - October 24, 2019

The product clogs all nozzles. Ive switched spray bottles and it clogged all three. They are now so kinda dissatisfied. I actually like the product but will be returning

Jo Ann Coble - September 2, 2019

Something is clearly wrong because on all my products with this sprayers are all broke can you seend me replacements for three bottles , i would be extremely grateful.

Kristen Christopher - August 11, 2019

The spray nozzle on my SPROUT follicular rice tonic broke during my 1st use. I had to put the product in another bottle on a per use basis, because I want it to remain protected from exposure by the dark bottle until used.

Sheila Moore - July 10, 2019

The trigger is not working on my bottle. I have poured the product in another bottom. Love the product!

LaWanda - June 22, 2019

Please don’t replace the sprayer tops. People complaining don’t go to the big hair companies and ask them to change the bottles or jars that can be quite difficult. So, leave your products in those cute jars and bottles like you have them. I love EVERYTHING about your products. I have 95% of your goodies, and no faults.

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